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Holistic Consultations

Welcome to our transformative holistic consultations, where we harness the power of essential oils and herbs to support your overall well-being. Our experienced practitioner is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and empowering you to embrace a more natural and balanced lifestyle.

At the heart of our consultations is the belief that true wellness encompasses the harmony of the mind, body, and spirit. We offer a range of services tailored to address your specific needs and goals, using the incredible therapeutic properties of essential oils and herbs.

  1. Personalized Consultations: Our knowledgeable practitioner will conduct in-depth assessments to understand your unique requirements and health concerns. By taking into account your physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, we create customized holistic plans that incorporate essential oils and herbs to promote optimal wellness.

  2. Essential Oil Education: Discover the profound benefits of essential oils as our practitioners guide you through their safe and effective use. Learn about different oils, their properties, and specific applications to address various conditions such as stress, sleep issues, digestive disorders, skin problems, and more. We provide you with the knowledge and tools to incorporate essential oils into your daily routine.

  3. Herbology Expertise: Unleash the power of nature's healing herbs as our practitioners introduce you to the world of herbal remedies. Gain insight into the vast array of medicinal herbs and their traditional uses. From soothing herbal teas to topical applications, we will guide you on how to harness the natural healing properties of herbs to support your health and well-being.

  4. Customized Aromatherapy Blends: Experience the art of aromatherapy through our customized blends tailored to your specific needs. Our practitioners will carefully select essential oils based on your consultation, creating unique blends to address your concerns. Whether you seek relaxation, stress relief, energy enhancement, or emotional balance, our aromatic blends will uplift your senses and promote holistic healing.

  5. Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching: Our holistic consultations extend beyond essential oils and herbs. We believe in addressing your overall lifestyle and promoting sustainable well-being. Our practitioners offer valuable guidance on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and self-care practices. By empowering you with practical strategies, we aim to cultivate lasting positive changes for your holistic health journey.

  6. Follow-Up Support: We are committed to your ongoing progress and success. Our consultations include follow-up support, ensuring that you receive continued guidance, motivation, and adjustments to your holistic plan as needed. We are here to answer your questions, provide additional resources, and celebrate your wellness milestones.


Embrace the power of nature's gifts with our holistic consultations using essential oils and herbs. Begin your transformative journey toward holistic well-being today.

Initial Assessment - Care Plan $30


Initial Assessment -Care Plan 

  • Care Plan delivered via email.

  • Identify your therapeutic goal.

  • Identify the best treatment for you goal.

  • Figure out what application is best suited to the desired goal (ex. inhaler, bath salt, salve, tincture, custom herbal tea, aromatherapy, etc.)

Follow - Up Appointment - $20

Image by Jaron Whelan

Follow Up Appointment - 15 minutes

Follow up appointments can only be made after you have had a phone assessment. It is recommended 2-4 weeks after you start treatment or anytime you are having an issue with your treatment.

Phone Assessment - $60 

Image by Katherine Hanlon

Initial Assessment - Up to 60 minutes

  • Discuss Care Plan and recommended treatment from initial assessment in detail.

  • Select free product from Care Plan

  • Select other products recommended for treatment from your Care Plan.

Initial consultations requires a consent form signed by the customer, an in-depth and detailed information of your health profile that includes  general health information, illnesses, injuries, medication and supplements. This information is imperative when creating custom blends of essential oils and herbs to make sure they don't have any drug interactions with your medication. 

Disclaimer: Aromatherapy and other alternative medicines such as herbs should not be used in the place of seeing a physician or healthcare provider.

Aromatherapy and herbalism is not a substitute for seeing a primary care doctor or specialist. It is also recommended that you consult your physician before using any methods of alternative medicine and aromatherapy. 

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